Mom, Wife, writer, seeker, dreamer, etc.


January 26, 2018

I originally started about five years ago. My intention was to share the lessons I was learning through my spiritual seeking. At first, I was posting like crazy, but as time went on, my enthusiasm and activity began to deflate.

I started to realize that my life is more than just about spiritual seeking. Yes, that’s an important part, but I’m not a monk. I’m a mom, I’m a wife, I work full time, and I’m also an aspiring author/writer.

The site as it was,  no longer fit me and I stopped posting all together. I was thinking about revamping the site and giving it a fresh face. I stayed away for months and then when I was finally ready… the site was inaccessible! What?!

I tried to fix it. But in my angered and frustrated attempts, I ended up deleting everything. EPIC FAIL!!

Today, I got access back to the site and I’m rebuilding. I got my wish after all to start fresh. This wasn’t how I wanted to do it, but the Universe has a wicked sense of humor at times 🙂

So what will this site be about? My life and everything I love.

It could be about my spiritual seeking, parenting, spousing, working, writing, food, or whatever else my wandering mind goes to. But, what I can tell you is that whatever I share, it will be filled with good intentions and will be done in the spirit of community.

My goal for this space is POSITIVITY.  There’s already too much negativity in the world. We don’t need it here.


Sharing is caring!

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