Celestite or Celestine has got to be one of my fave crystals. It’s got dreamy, light blue, glassy, crystal chunks in it’s cluster form. When I first started looking into this crystal, I often got it confused with blue calcite. Blue calcite is another light blue crystal, but completely different.
Celestite from what I’ve learned so far only comes in two forms. It’s either in a cluster form, or it can come in tumbles.
Cluster forms can be heart shaped, egg shaped, or left natural. In tumble form, the crystal chunks are plucked from its matrix so all you have is the blue crystal. What’s interesting is that in tumble form, the individual pieces are not kept in their natural crystal shape. I’m guessing the individual points or chunks are perhaps rounded first before they’re tumbled? I’m not sure. I don’t have tumbles, but the pics I’ve seen — they’re rounded.
Celestite is a communication and aura cleansing stone. It’s a good stone to use if you’re working on your throat chakra. Celestite helps with your ability to speak and respond with clarity and discernment. Since we all have to communicate on a daily basis, this is good stone to keep on you or near you at all times.
What attracted me to this stone is its connection to the heavens or the etheric. This stone is not only a communication stone here in the material world, but if you’re working on angel communication and getting in tuned with your inner divine voice, this is also a great stone to work with. This would be a great stone to use while in meditation or during dream work as it supports higher awareness.
According to Crystal Council “Celestite has an uplifting energy that aligns one with higher realms of awareness. Here, one can sense strongly the presence of his/her spirit guides and higher self. It is most popularly known for its ability to align one with the angelic realm. Celestite fills its environment with divine energy, encouraging spiritual awakening and development of metaphysical abilities. Meditating with Celestite pieces on the throat, third eye, heart and crown chakra will ease one into an effortless state of meditation. It assists efficiently in clairaudience, allowing one to hear the messages of the higher realms. Celestite will also assist one to in achieving states of lucid dreaming or astral travel.”
If you’d like to read Crystal Council’s complete article, click here.
Ok… so why did I title this Celestite Boo-boo?
Ugh! Such a newb move, but I had no idea. Don’t make the same mistake I made or you may just ruin your stone. In cluster form, the crystal chunks are held together by the a whitish/ yellowy matrix. I have a heart shaped Celestite cluster and its back is a grayish white that is nice and smooth and for the most part feels very stable. It doesn’t crumble.
But then, I got a little cluster. The matrix on this guy is rough and yellowy. The back feels like hard, packed sand. When I first got the stone, I noticed it left powdery residue on my fingers and in certain spots around the edges of the stone, it actually crumbled off. Yikes!
Well anyway, I decided I needed to wash this little piece to cleanse it. I ran it under running water and the back just started washing off — just like sand. I took it out of the water before the whole back dissolved. I managed to keep the cluster intact, but needless to say, it is now very, very, fragile.
Newb move — I had no idea this crystal can’t get wet. I mean it’s a rock. It’s outside in it’s natural form, right? Anyways, if you do add Celestite to your collection, don’t cleanse it with water. Even now, that it’s dry, I have to keep my little guy in a dish to capture the fragments that fall off of it. I also try not to handle it too much. I’m actually afraid the whole thing may just crumble in my hand.
Learn from my mistake. Celestite and water don’t mix.