In my last post, I talked about my love for crystals being reignited.
At this point, I’m happy to say I’m still lit! LOL!
I just got done reading a couple of books on crystals by Karen Frazier. Crystals for Beginners and Crystals for Healing. I’ve linked the titles if you want to read them. Both books are excellent and I recommend getting the paperback version as it will be easier to reference. Plus, the books are full of pictures and illustrations of recommended crystals that just look lovely on a page.
In the books, the author recommends 5 crystals that every crystal lover should have. Frazier calls these the starter crystals. I don’t know why, but when I was reading this I was thinking of it like gateway crystals. As in that thing that gets you hooked. LOL!
One of the recommended starter crystals is CLEAR QUARTZ.
Why? Clear quartz is a good all around amplifier of energy. It is considered a Master Healer and it does this by absorbing, storing, releasing, and regulating energy. It’s high vibrational and is basically that multi-talented friend who seems to excel at everything.
Not to mention, clear quartz is beautiful. It can be clear as water, it can be cloudy, it can contain rainbows. Quartz can also be carved into just about any shape. They can come in natural points and clusters, tumbles, but can also be shaped into towers, spheres, lenses, stars, discs, animals, etc.
One of my fave sites to get crystal info is Crystal Council. Here’s what they have to say about quartz.
Quartz is an extremely adaptable stone that can be programmed and used for just about any metaphysical purpose. When programming Quartz, it will match the vibrations of one’s intentions and desired outcomes for inner or outer purposes. Keep in mind that using this stone for external purposes or desires outside of oneself will boomerang back on the user and sometimes these results can be quite destructive.
Meditating with the Quartz and visualizing what one is trying to achieve is a powerful process. Once the Quartz is programmed for a specific purpose it will remember and continue to amplify whatever intentions are placed into it, allowing for manifestation to occur. If the same programming is done multiple times, it will consistently increase the number of both inner and outer synchronistic events related to one’s goals, yielding incredible results. This can open one’s mind to the power of concentrated intention, allowing one to remain focused on that which is relevant to their desires.
If you’d like to read the entire article from Crystal Council, click this link: Quartz
Here’s a pic of my quartz babies 🙂

Crystals are consistent, powerful tools to help you achieve your highest divine purpose. They are companions in your journey. Enjoy.