Mom, Wife, writer, seeker, dreamer, etc.

Mother’s Day 2018

Mother’s Day 2018

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day here in the US. This post is dedicated to my mom — Lita.

My mother has been a hard worker all her life. There were many, many years when we hardly saw her because she worked 2 full time jobs. Can you imagine? She was tired, but she made it look easy somehow. She was not there physically with us on most days, but every night, we got a phone call from mom checking in and seeing how we were doing. Did you have dinner? How was school? Are you ready for tomorrow? Do you need anything? How’s that boy/girl you like? Even if the telephone call was only for a few minutes each for me and my brother, it was full of substance. She made the minutes count.

Sundays were designated family day because that was the one day that my mom was off from work from both jobs. My dad was home and us kids did not have school. Sundays were special because my mom always made it a point we did something special. We would get dressed up for church, then afterwards we ate lunch at our favorite Chinese restaurant. If there was shopping to be done for clothes or other miscellaneous things my brother and I needed — we went as a family. During the summer months, Sundays meant spending the day at the lake.

Looking back now, I am amazed at how my mom still managed to be MOM even while working 2 jobs. On the surface, it would be easy to say that she was absent. But when I really think about it, she wasn’t. Sure my dad dealt with the day-to-day routine peskiness of kids. My brother and I were good. We were independent kids, but we were still kids. But my mom was always there. We knew she cared and we knew why she was working her ass off. It was for us. It was to make our lives better. It seems cliche, but it was the truth. My parents started out with meager beginnings, but through their hard work and dedication they gave us a good life. We had everything we needed and wanted. We weren’t wealthy, but we lived comfortably. Through the years, my brother and I witnessed my mom’s work ethics and her dedication to her family.

Because of my mom, my brother and I understand what hard work and dedication truly means. We understand the importance of family and helping each other out. We understand that action speaks louder than words. I remember, my mom in her fatigued state used to say some crazy shit, but it was always what she did after that mattered. She would laugh it off and go on. To this day she’s the same way. She finds humor in life and can take the edge off of a bad situation with her kind and loving words.

Her goal was to give us better lives and she achieved that. But more importantly and whether she will take credit for it not, she made us better people.

I aspire to be even half of what my mom is. She’s an amazing, vibrant, courageous, unstoppable woman who has successfully conquered her world. My mom’s journey has not been easy. She’s had to fight her way through many challenges. She’s had many moments of complete surrender. She’s had many heartaches, but through it all she has emerged with grace, strength, and even more wisdom than before.

I am in awe of the woman I have the privilege to call MOM.

To the most important woman in my life, I love you always!

Sharing is caring!

2 responses to “Mother’s Day 2018”

  1. Roger Avatar

    Right on! I’ve known your Mom for a few years now, and she still is the hardworking caring loving woman you describe. She has changed my life too, and continues to be a force for good in the lives of all of us who know her. I see how pleased and proud she is of the adults you and your brother have become, and the families you are creating. What a blessing Lita is, thanks for your blog post.

    1. Mignon Avatar

      Thanks, Roger! My mom always says how lucky she is to have you and we agree. You two are great together and we’re so happy you are a part of the family.


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