Mom, Wife, writer, seeker, dreamer, etc.

Been thinking…

Been thinking…

Well… I thought I knew what I wanted to do with this site. I have ideas, but I haven’t been able to flesh out the details. I think it’s because I’m second guessing myself.

I’ve always loved rocks. I’m one of those people that pick up pebbles and stones during a walk and stick them in my pocket to study later. I don’t get scientific or anything about it. LOL! I just like to look at them. And then there are the big, smooth river rocks that we have in our yard. They serve a purpose in the garden, but yes, I take those too. Not to collect, but to paint! I paint doodles and nature scenes on them. It’s very therapeutic.

What’s also fun is that after I paint the rocks, I leave them out at a local park for people to find. It’s part of the community kindness project in my town. It’s a really cool project and I’m glad someone put it together. I just love the idea of spreading kindness (through painted rocks) and I’m happy to participate whenever I can.

This brings me back to my thoughts… the transition to obsessing over crystals is really not a surprise to me. I mean it’s all relative, right? I still really want to post about crystals on this site, but to be honest, I’m no expert at them. I’m still learning myself, but I’ve just fallen in love with crystals and I want to be able to do more with them than just lovingly gaze at them.

Maybe, I’ll start with my crystal journey and as things come up, I’ll post about those too? I know this isn’t much of a plan, but here’s the thing. When you’re just starting out or starting over, it’s one foot in front of the other. That’s better than staying put and not learning. Yes, stumbles will inevitably happen, but the hope is things will get easier and also hopefully start making some sense.

Welcome to the start of my do-over 🙂

Sharing is caring!


Thank you for being here. I hope you enjoy the various topics posted on this site. It’s mostly going to be about things that interest me. I’ve tried to find a “niche,” but that hasn’t worked so far. I don’t think lives can be niched, when people are so complex and dynamic. My hope is just go with the flow. But regardless of what I post, my intention is always geared towards positivity and sharing lessons that hopefully resonates with you.

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