Mom, Wife, writer, seeker, dreamer, etc.

Meditating with apatite crystal

Meditating with apatite crystal

Ok, here goes.

In an earlier post, I told you I was no expert on crystals. I’m still learning and there is A LOT to learn. But I’m taking the small steps to use my crystals as more than just display items. I believe that energy is in all natural things like rocks. When you think about how long it takes to form one of these magnificent crystal formations, why would it be hard to believe, that those crystals and rocks are also filled with energy? Energies straight from and created by Earth herself.

To hold something in my hand that is thousands of years old and filled with beauty and design that would be hard for even modern science to replicate — I am in awe of it. It’s like us developing computer technology. Yes, it’s great and pretty darn advanced, but does it compare to what our human brains are capable of? Not even close. How long has science tried to replicate the capabilities of the brain into technology. Forever! But tech, as advanced as it has come, it still pales in comparison to the organic human brain. Plus, as wonderful as technology is, there is no spirit in technology like there is nature.

In my quest to learn. One of the teachings that often pop up is energy. I believe it. I don’t question that it’s there. My problem is, I am not always ‘sensitive’ to energy. I’m pretty hot and cold about it. Either I feel something, or I’m totally oblivious, or unaware. When I read about other folks and how sensitive they are to crystal energy, I’ve wondered how feeling that crystal energy would feel like for me?

I’ve had a couple of rare experiences, when I’ve felt a pulsing from a crystal. Or one time, a crystal literally brought me to tears. I thought I was losing my mind, but later read somewhere that yes, that could happen. It would be nice if my sensing of crystal energy was more consistent. A lot of articles say whether a crystal is ‘high vibrational’ or not. I want to know what that high vibration feels like. I think it would be pretty cool to pick up a crystal and right away feel whether it connects with me or not. Right now, my connection to crystals is purely visual.

I’ve also read that meditation is a good practice to incorporate crystal work into. I’m terrible at meditation. When I try, I fall asleep. I’ve read that praying is a form of meditation. I do pray, but then a lot of times, I feel like I start prattling on and on in my head and the prayer gets a little lost in the noise of my mind. If my angels or guides are trying to get through to me while I’m praying — I’m not hearing them. There’s too much self-chatter goin’ on in there.

Then, I had this great idea to try meditating with one of my crystals. But I decided that if I also listen to meditative music while meditating, it will calm my chatter-box of a brain. So, off I went and flopped down to the floor. I had to convince my very inflexible legs to bend. I managed despite all the creaks and groans from my joints, and before you know it, there I was in lotus position — sweating and grimacing before I even got started, but there I was. I might need to stretch first the next time I try this.

Did I mention that I’m a mid-lifer and getting down on the floor could mean I’m stuck there forever?

I didn’t quit, but it was really because I couldn’t get up. But for the sake of my spiritual pursuit I was going to warrior my way through the discomfort. Besides, the hubs was home so if I got stuck, I could scream out for help. He’s got great upper body strength. He could pull my fluffy butt off the floor in an emergency.

Getting myself in a get-ready headspace, I put my headphones on, turned on the music, and held a little, chubby (like me) point of green apatite crystal in my hand. The music was soothing and I started to relax. I felt my spine drooping, but then I remembered reading somewhere that a straight back was good to align the chakras or something, so I popped back up. I don’t know too much about chakras yet, but alignment seems like a good thing during meditation.

The soothing music continued and I felt myself swaying to it. I was thinking things were going well. I even started to feel tingly, and I wasn’t falling asleep. Maybe I was on to something. Just as I beginning to feel swoony, my chest area, the tops of my shoulders, and all along my shoulders blades started to get really tight! What?! What was happening? This can’t be a heart attack! It’s not in the right place. Besides who would get a heart attack while meditating? Plus I was all swoony and stuff. (See how my brain works?)

I tried to get past the discomfort. I was thinking I just wasn’t used to being all lotus on the floor. I was thinking about calling out for help, but decided it might be better just to open my eyes and stop the meditation for a second.

I peeked with one eye open. Cause you know I had to check who might have seen me grimacing while meditating. To my relief, the hubs was still in his office, and the kiddos were still in their rooms. I was actually relieved that I didn’t have to ask for help. I would never the hear the end of it. Ugh!

I looked down on my hands and I was still cradling the little apatite crystal. I set it down on the ground and decided to straighten out my legs (they were starting to fall asleep).

Here’s the funny thing. When I let go of the apatite, that discomfort I felt around my upper body started to go away. Was I feeling energy from the apatite? Is that where the discomfort was coming from? Or was it because I was seated like a pretzel? I don’t know for sure, but I want to record these experiences. I think it’s the only way I’m going to learn.

Overall, I did value the experience. I’m glad I did it and I will try it again. There’s lots of crystals to pair with and experiment with. My goal is try and figure out what is normal for me and how I interact with crystals.

Thanks for hanging out. If you have any tips for me, pls. feel free to comment.

If you guys would like to read about people who know their crystal research, check out the Crystal Council. I’m not an affiliate, I just like the info they share. Here’s a link on apatite crystals.

I also wanted to share what an apatite crystal looks like. The apatite crystal I used was a short, chubby, little tower, and more green than blue. I also have a beautiful blue apatite sphere that’s very similar to the picture below, but that wasn’t the one I was using.

The image below is from Alexis Fauvet with


Sharing is caring!


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