Mom, Wife, writer, seeker, dreamer, etc.

Starting over… again

Starting over… again

I took the site down for a minute because I needed time to think about my goals for this site. I think I have an idea now. It’s not completely fleshed out and I will need you to be patient with me. But my initial thought was “crystals.”

What about crystals? Well, everything. I’ve always loved them. But in the last year, I’ve grown to love them beyond being sparkly, pretty rocks. They still are pretty, shiny, sparkly rocks, but I’m learning that they are more than that. It’s the learning I want to share as I fumble and tumble my way through it.

It’s about growing, right? Even though it’s now Fall and mother nature is getting ready to retire for the season, I feel like this is actually my time of renewal. A time for me to sprout. Not sure whether, we should expect weeds of ideas or glorious, verdant plant life to spring from this. But, either way, I’ll be present as much as possible as I take small steps to restart this little blog of mine.

Talk soon.

image from > Scott Evans

Sharing is caring!


Thank you for being here. I hope you enjoy the various topics posted on this site. It’s mostly going to be about things that interest me. I’ve tried to find a “niche,” but that hasn’t worked so far. I don’t think lives can be niched, when people are so complex and dynamic. My hope is just go with the flow. But regardless of what I post, my intention is always geared towards positivity and sharing lessons that hopefully resonates with you.

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