Mom, Wife, writer, seeker, dreamer, etc.

Year of the Dragon

Year of the Dragon

For those of you who celebrate the lunar new year, I wish you a belated happy new year! This is the year of the dragon and from the posts I’ve read, this year is ripe with powerful energy. Like the energy of the dragon, the energies are strong, powerful, and sweeping.

For me I feel the energy of change. I want this year to be the year, when I learn to focus and commit. To be fearless like a dragon and go after not only my goals, but my curiosities. To have a blazing heart of fire to give me courage and burn away the fears that have held me back for so long.

Whew! It feels like a lot, even as I write about it. And, I’m already feeling anxiety creep into my system. Triggering all my noisey distracting thoughts and remind me to just stay put and be comfortable. It’s tempting and would be so easy for me. I do like to sit in my thoughts after all.

But, the dragon energy says no, get up. Do something. It doesn’t have to be anything big. Even one step is better than none. Allow. Allow things to happen. Let go and let the wind carry you like a dragon. Open your eyes and open your heart and feel how truly supported you are. There is no need to fear.

I hope that you find your inner dragon and go after your dreams. There’s a world of beauty and magic waiting for you. While you figure out what adventure you’d like to take on, I am also formulating my next step and reminding myself, it doesn’t have to be anything breathtaking.

I hope to post more regularly. By that action, I am hoping to find my focus and commitment for this space. To give it the flavor it’s been looking for. I have ideas. At times too many and that’s what stops me in my tracks. It doesn’t take much to see how inconsistent my posts are. But, my plan is to go with the flow and see where my dragon wishes to go next.

It’s worrisome. Not knowing. Goes against my nature as a planner. But, I have my reasons for this exercise of trust. I don’t like the feeling that I’ve ignore a space that means something special to me. I’m starting my first step with dusting off the cobwebs from Iggylife.

As I spruce up, I am reminding myself that my intention is to go with the flow and go where my mind takes me and see where I end up. That may mean that I post about anything and everything. That’s probably not the right thing to do. The virtual world always talks about “finding your niche.” I don’t know what mine is… I just know stuff that I like, things I’m curious about. Things I’ve learned. Experiences I’m going through. And things are constantly evolving. My life and my mind doesn’t stay still — no one’s does. So how can my blog be just about one thing? Maybe the one thing is me? Maybe that’s why, this is called Iggylife? Life isn’t supposed to be one dimensional, but made up of many, many wonderful parts. I don’t know, maybe that’s what Iggylife will be?

To you in advance… If you happen to find yourself here. Welcome to my space. Regardless of what I post, my intention is always that this is a space of positivity. It’s a safe space, not only for me to share my thoughts, but in doing so, I hope that something in my words can resonate with you as well.

If this space is not for you, thank you for stopping by. I wish you well in all you do.

Sharing is caring!


Thank you for being here. I hope you enjoy the various topics posted on this site. It’s mostly going to be about things that interest me. I’ve tried to find a “niche,” but that hasn’t worked so far. I don’t think lives can be niched, when people are so complex and dynamic. My hope is just go with the flow. But regardless of what I post, my intention is always geared towards positivity and sharing lessons that hopefully resonates with you.

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